About the Beta Features Category

Welcome to the ‘Beta Features’ category! This is your go-to place for discussing, exploring, and providing feedback on our latest beta features, including ‘ACS — Central Server Mode,’ ‘ACS — Backup to NAS,’ and ‘ACS — Smart Collect.’

Each feature has its own sub-category under ‘Beta Features,’ allowing you to dive into specific functionalities and innovations. Join our beta tester team and contribute to shaping these exciting new features! :sunglasses: For more details, please navigate to each sub-category. You’ll find detailed instructions on how to participate in testing these cool features.

Some quick notes:

  1. You need to register to each feature first! But don’t worry, the process is straightforward, and you’ll find the recruitment topic immediately.
  2. Continuing existing conversations with a fresh perspective can enrich the journey even more! Feel free to post your insights and suggestions at any time, but please search for existing discussions to avoid duplication.

A warm welcome as you join us in taking Aurender further into the future of sound.

(Last Update: June 17th, 2024)